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Many medium-sized and small rivers that flow through populated areas have fortified banks. But along with the flow of water in each watercourse, the movement of natural sediments is carried out. In addition to natural sediments, these watercourses often become barriers for various household waste. This applies more to the private sector within the city.

According to the above factors, the bottom marks of the riverbed are increased. When it rains and as a result of snow melting, the riverbed clogged with sediments and garbage accumulation cannot pass the necessary water flows. As a result, the water begins to go beyond the banks and flood the surrounding area.

On large rivers where navigation is carried out, the appearance of sediment reduces the depth and negatively affects the stable operation of berths.

On artificial reservoirs, a decrease in depth occurs due to climatic effects on the coast line, and the formation of blockages. The optimal solution to this problem is considered to be dredging and cleaning of watercourses.




Dredging activities are performed using special equipment:

Earth charges that destroy non-solid deposits.
Bucket excavators;
Grabs, tractors, and other auxiliary equipment.
In any case, during the riverbed deepening activities, it is necessary to strengthen the shoreline in advance, which will be temporarily unstable after the completion of the deepening works. This is done by installing onshore sheet pilings on the dredging site.

PVC sheet piles make it possible to perform their secondary use, since they have high strength and are not subject to corrosion. We offer companies and individuals to purchase such sheet piles with three standard sizes. Using such products will significantly save your budget.

an elegant retaining wall and will adorn your own waterfront.

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